Phase 2 Post-Circuit Breaker: What Reopens And What’s Allowed

Geralyne Ong

Geralyne Ong

Last updated 16 July, 2020

Hooray! After 70+ days (aka an eon) of staying in to stay safe during Circuit Breaker and Phase 1 of post-Circuit Breaker, Phase 2 is finally upon us. 

It felt like it was never going to end, but at long last there is some light to the end of this tunnel. Phase 1 of post-Circuit Breaker is coming to an end and Phase 2 will officially begin on Friday, 19 June 2020 (yay!).

But what does Phase 2 of post-Circuit Breaker entail? What changes can we expect, which shops are allowed to reopen and who can you meet? Read on as we answer all of your burning questions.  

Why was Circuit Breaker implemented? 

To combat the spread of COVID-19, Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong announced during a televised address on 3 April that Singapore will “impose significantly stricter measures”. These measures included closing most workplaces (with the exception of essential services), schools to implement full home-based learning and restrictions to all movements and gatherings — a complete circuit breaker. 

A second address was made on 21 April to provide Singaporeans with an update on the COVID-19 situation, extend Circuit Breaker by another 4 weeks (from 4 May to 1 June) and further reduce the list of essential shops. The aim, then, was to bring down the number of community cases and contain “leakages” to the public from the foreign workers dormitory. 

When did Phase 1 of post-Circuit Breaker start? 

Phase 1 of post-Circuit Breaker started on 2 June and will last until 18 June 2020. During Phase 1, schools, traditional Chinese medicine clinics, places of worship, allied health services and some government service centres reopened. In addition, children and grandchildren are allowed to visit parents and grandparents, but restricted to a maximum of 2 people from the same household per visit. 

How many people can I meet during Phase 2 of post-Circuit Breaker? 

You can participate in social gatherings of no more than 5 people outside of your home. They do not need to be from the same household (yes, you can legally meet your partners and friends for meals!) and there is no time limit to how long you can meet them for.

You can have 5 visitors who are not from the same household over at your house (occupants of your house do not add to the count), but can only meet up in groups of 5 outside of your home.

Can I meet or visit my parents and grandparents during Phase 2? 

Yes, you can meet your parents and grandparents for meals outside, a leisurely stroll in the park or even for grocery shopping. Alternatively, you can also visit them at their homes as long as there aren't more than 5 visitors at any given time. These 5 visitors do not need to be from the same household and there isn’t a time limit on how long each visit lasts. 

Which shops are scheduled to reopen during Phase 2?

Here is a detailed list of shops that will reopen on 19 June 2020 and the restrictions in place to prevent a spike in community numbers. 

BusinessType of shopRestrictions in place
RetailClothing, camera, sporting goods, watch, bags, stationery, bodycare and perfumeLimited number of customers will be allowed in a shop at any given time
Food and beverageDining-in at cafes, restaurants, hawker centres, coffee shops, bars, dessert, bubble tea, drinkTables are will be placed at least 1 metre apart

A maximum of 5 people are allowed to sit together 

Sale of alcohol will stop at 10:30pm

No live music or screening of sporting events
EducationMusic schools, tuition centres and private enrichment classesVoice training and singing classes will still remain closed

Tables will be placed at least 1 meter apart

A maximum of 5 people are allowed to sit together 
Personal wellness Laundry, hairdressing, beauty services, spas, manicure and pedicure, massage parlours and foot reflexology, wedding services, funeral services, pet care and trainingAs much as possible to maintain a safe distance of 1 meter from the other customer

Limited number of customers will be allowed in a shop at any given time
Fitness centresGyms (private and public), sports facilities (badminton, tennis, squash courts), sports halls, bowling centres and swimming poolsPaintball game centres and billiard halls will still remain closed

Workout stations will be placed at least 1 metre apart

Exercise class sizes will be reduced due to social distancing guidelines

Limited number of members or visitors will be allowed in an exercise studio or sports facility at any given time
Membership-based clubsCountry clubs and societies Tables and seats will be placed at least 1 metre apart

Limited number of members will be allowed in at any given time
Healthcare servicesHealth screening and healthcare services-

Will public spaces reopen? 

Yes, public spaces like playgrounds, parks, beaches, lawns and fields, hard courts and function rooms will reopen during Phase 2 of post-Circuit Breaker. 

Is it safe to go out and are there any safety precautions I should take? 

We should proceed with caution even though quite a few restrictions are planned to be lifted during Phase 2 — lesser community cases does not mean that we have won the battle against COVID-19. 

As malls and public buildings step up cleaning efforts to ensure that they remain free from COVID-19, there are also measures that you can take to protect yourself. These measures include: 

  • Always keep your mask on when you are out and bring a spare if you are using a disposable mask.
  • Actively maintain safe distancing of at least 1 meter.
  • Avoid crowds and crowded places when possible. 
  • Refrain from touching unknown objects or surfaces. In the event that you do (e.g. pressing the lift button or holding unto the escalator’s handrail), remember to sanitise or wash your hands with soap after.

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A lover of gin and all things Nigella Lawson, Geralyne’s constantly trying to adult like a pro. She spends most of her leisure time serving fur-babies and doing as many mountain climbers as she possibly can.


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